The Angus show was held on Sat 7th May. Around 80 head were exhibited across the Red and Black Angus with Carlos Ojea from Argentina the judge. Had a very successful day – came away with 8 champion ribbons from 7 head including Grand Champion Red Angus female with a 9 mth old heifer (who was also the top priced heifer in the sale the night before), & Res Grand Champion Red Angus bull who weighed over 1130kg. Congratulations Mezquite Genetics! Once again Tera (a girl who helps Renato) and I were the only females in the shed! I lead all the cattle for judging as well as helping prepare & fit them, which was fantastic.
After the cattle judging they had a young handlers competition which was interesting to watch. Angus is one of only a 2 or 3 breeds in Mexico with a youth program but is still only very small – had 9 competitors. Really makes you appreciate the youth programs back in Australia! After judging there was an Angus lunch although it felt almost like dinner – didn’t eat till 5.30 – still getting used to this! Had the opportunity to meet lots of breeders – luckily most spoke a little English (would have struggled otherwise!)