The Charolais judging took place on 28 April with about 60 head competing. I got to help prepare and show Mezquite’s two females in the show & placed 2nd in both classes. I was the only female parading. Also, within the 'shed' they are all men working - except myself and one other girl who helps Mezquite. Very different to Australia! On Monday, we took the Charolais home and brought the Angus team in (red & black).
I also watched the judging of bulls for a hoof and hook competition - very interesting! In this area they don't castrate the bulls for meat production - they’re left as bulls and sold at mature age, 2-4 years! The Mexican beef industry (esp here in southern Mexico) is very different to Aust: they use thin cuts & prefer lean beef from the hindquarters. Really just want QUANTITY of meat. They aim for carcases with high dressing %, as little fat as possible, good meat colour and tenderness - and not at all concerned about IMF! They like bulls because they lay down less fat than steers & also have more muscle. Euro crosses like Limo & Belgian Blue are very popular because of their heavy muscling. There were some impressive bulls on display!
Coming up this week: The Expo continues till 8 May & this week will be a great opportunity to see more cattle with angus, brangus, limousin, simmental, beef master, santa gertrudis judging. For anyone who is interested, the judging is livescreened on (Limo/Simm/Beefmaster/Suizo/Santas at approx 2am Aust time 7thMay; & Angus judging will be on at approx. 2am Aust time on 8 May) - sorry about the time!